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"I just opened it!"

“I just opened it!” she said proudly running into the kitchen. She pulled me over to the growing pile of wrapped Christmas presents.

“Oh honey, did you see what was inside?”

“It’s a baby crib. Why I need a baby crib?”

As I re-taped the red paper, I chuckled. She had uncovered the miniature baby crib, but in her innocence had failed to understand that the giant doll house shaped present will perfectly fit that little crib and all the other tiny little wrapped pieces of furniture sitting at its feet.

As I smiled at her naivety, I began to realize how many little cribs I had opened in my life. How many disappointments, how many confusing situations, how many rejections, or even unexpected successes or surprises. “What am I going to do with this; why do I need this?” I remember thinking. And God too was chuckling at my naivety. He’s had big gifts waiting for me that I failed to understand. The strength from those disappointments, the wisdom from those confusing and unexpected life surprises of the past fit perfectly into his beautiful plans. He has always had and always will craft perfect plans to “prosper you” even if it doesn’t feel so perfect at the time.

So, friend, whatever you are going through right now, hold tightly to that little crib and wait patiently for the big reveal, for the day when you will understand how each little piece fits into his marvelous plan, the plan that he designed just for you. I can’t wait for the day when you unwrap his perfect will.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

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